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Bed Bugs

No More Bed Bugs For You!


Man Camps
Hotels & Motels
College Dorms
Public Places
Medical Facilities
Your Home

Schedule Your Free Inspection Now!

* Proprietary Chemical Compounds * 30 Day Guarantee * Detailed Prep List
Get outta here, ya filthy animals!

At Patriot Pest Management, we don’t just offer bed bug treatment – we offer a guarantee that will put your mind at ease. Our team specializes in Thermal Remediation and Chemical Treatment, and we don’t rest until we’ve thoroughly inspected and targeted the source of your bed bug problem. Our proprietary chemical compound boasts both an immediate and lasting impact, making it unmatched by any other company. And with a success rate of 99.9%, you can trust us to rid your home of bed bugs completely – the first time around.

So why wait? Let Patriot give you the peace of mind you deserve. Schedule Today – It only Takes Two Minutes

The Life Cycle of a Bed Bug

Bed bugs have been a major issue in West Texas for well over a decade. With our transient workforce coming in from all over the world the situation seems to continue to flourish in our community. Bed bugs are not a sanitation problem, nor is it a poverty driven issue. From hotels to private homes and apartments, Bed bugs are capable of being anywhere.

We here at Patriot Pest Management have been in the fore front of bed bug control for quite some time now. We have done a lot of research and testing to find the best and most economical way to eliminate bed bug infestations. We have adopted some tried and true methods along with a proprietary combination of products that has been very successful in controlling bed bugs in one treatment. We have a 99% success rate when the plan is followed correctly.

We offer free inspections and will give you step by step instructions on how to prepare for a treatment along with a 30-day guarantee.

Bed bug bombs and harsh chemicals will only make your problem worse.

So, what is a Bed Bug?

Ew, Gross!

Well, basically bed bugs are small, brown, flat insects that love to suck the blood of humans.  They are commonly found in hospitals, businesses, homes, sofas, mattresses, buses, subways, trains, airplanes, classrooms, retail stores, movie theaters and especially in hotels.

As mentioned above, you will not die from bed bug bites.  But many people have been driven absolutely crazy from constant bed bug bites for weeks or months on end.

One of the worst things about a bed bug infestation is all of the itching that bed bug bites cause.  It can get to a point where it can be absolutely debilitating.

Some people become so traumatized by the fear of having bed bugs crawl all over them and bite them all night that they actually become afraid to go to sleep.  A really bad bed bug infestation can cause panic attacks and even depression.

Just because you have bed bugs does not mean that you are dirty or unsanitary.  The truth is that some of the finest hotels in the country have bed bugs.

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